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Administrata Tatimore e Kosovës

Poreska Administracija Kosova

Tax Administration of Kosovo


TAK was organized on January 17, 2000 under the guidance and administration of UNMIK.  The first TAK director was an international expert employed by a USAID contractor.  From October 2001 until February 2003, there were co-Directors with USAID and a Kosovar (Mustafë Hasani) sharing the role of Director.  On February 18, 2003, authority for tax administration was transferred from UNMIK to the Ministry of Economy and Finance, and Mustafë Hasani assumed the duties of Director TAK.  Since that time, TAK has been an autonomous organization, managed entirely by Kosovo residents with advice and assistance from international donor organizations, primarily USAID, EU and IMF. During its brief history, TAK has developed a functional organizational structure, which is largely in line with best international practices.  It has a centralized document processing center through which all returns are processed, although VAT processing is being decentralized to facilitate earlier compliance intervention.  A large taxpayer unit has been established to deal with the largest taxpayers in Kosovo, which is an international best practice.  Kosovo tax legislation has been recognized by both the IMF and the European Commission as being transparent and of good international standard. With all its development and assistance, TAK is becoming recognized as a modern and efficient tax administration and a leading governmental organization in Kosovo, although there is still much to do to reach our desired state of operating efficiency.

Our success depends on us all sharing the same values

The Tax Administration will be driven by these values in all our dealings:

We have selected these values because we consider that these values reflects things that we believe will be more important while we are trying to implement our mission and achieve our vision. We believe that these values should be applicable in the way how we treat taxpayers and different partners that we work with, as well as we will work with each other and other members of TAK. We would like that these values will become visible in everything that we work on.

Our Vision is that the Tax Administration will:

establish and maintain a positive image for the benefit of Kosovo – be respected by our clients and recognized by international organizations and institutions – be composed of a professional and energetic staff that will guarantee a high degree of transparency and modernization of our services in relation with our clients, through which we will become the main source of revenue for Kosovo.

Our Mission is to…

-maximize voluntary compliance, giving full regard to tax legislation and regulations; -provide professional, transparent and effective service to the taxpayer community in order for them to understand their tax paying obligations; and -ensure fair and uniform application and enforcement of tax laws in order to collect revenues for the government budget in an efficient and cost-effective manner.


Director Office

Ilir Murtezaj

Acting General Director
E-mail: ilir.murtezaj@atk-ks.org

Nikson Mirdita

Director of Independent Functions Department
E-mail: nikson.mirdita@atk-ks.org

Nijazi Asllani

Acting Deputy General Director 1
E-mail: nijazi.asllani@atk-ks.org

Ilir Islami

Director of Legal Services Department
E-mail: ilir.islami@atk-ks.org

Hamit Mulaj

Director of General Services Department
E-mail: hamit.mulaj@atk-ks.org

Sami Salihu

Acting Deputy General Director 2
E-mail: sami.salihu@atk-ks.org

Rifat Hyseni

Director of Information Technology Department
E-mail: rifat.hyseni@atk-ks.org

Ilir Murtezaj

General Director
Tax Administration of Kosovo
E-mail: ilir.murtezaj@atk-ks.org

Nijazi Asllani

U.d. Deputy General Director of Operations - ATK
Tax Administration of Kosovo
E-mail: nijazi.asllani@atk-ks.org

Nahit Sharku

U.d. Deputy General Director
Program and Procedure Department
E-mail: nahit.sharku@atk-ks.org

Hamit Mulaj

U.d. Deputy General Manager
Department of Programs Support
E-mail: hamit.mulaj@atk-ks.org