Raporto 0800 80 800

Administrata Tatimore e Kosovës

Poreska Administracija Kosova

Tax Administration of Kosovo

PRESS RELEASE – TAK has realized seminars with taxpayers

These seminars aimed at presenting the manner of annual declaration, including declaration and Payment form for Personal Income Tax, declaration and payment form for Corporate Income tax, declaration form from Partnerships, reporting purchases over 500€, withholding tax and informing taxpayers for the new electronic system – EDI that soon will be in use for the taxpayers.

Taxpayers were informed thoroughly for the manner of annual declaration forms for PD, CD, DO and there were reflected practical examples for fulfilling correctly these declarations.

Also on Reporting Purchases over 500€ and withholding tax, were unfolded several various examples, in order to eliminate errors during the application of these processes.

Same time, taxpayers were informed on novelties of EDI Electronic System that soon will be in use from the taxpayers. The new Electronic System EDI will offer more possibilities and facilities for the taxpayers in order to voluntary comply their tax liabilities.

During these seminars, participants posed various questions regarding the topics presented as well as other questions about tax legislation. For all questions raised by the participants were provided adequate responses.

Participants were distributed informational materials from TAK such as: Handbook with questions and answers, Leaflets: “The rights and obligations of taxpayers”, General Information on Tax Administration of Kosovo, Questions – Answers to VAT, PIT, CIT, Tax Liability Information, Guidance on the submission of information on tax evasion, corruption or misbehavior of TAK staff, “Taxpayers Advocate”, “The Call Center”, also were distributed 2015 Tax Calendars which includes deadlines for submission of declarations and types of taxes, etc.

In these seminars the number of interesting people was quite high, where participants were: taxpayers, business organizations, NGOs or their representatives and the representatives of permanent units, accountants and interested citizens.

Materials presented in these seminars are available to taxpayers on the website of TAK www.atk-ks.org at link Multimedia – Materials & Presentation.