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Administrata Tatimore e Kosovës

Poreska Administracija Kosova

Tax Administration of Kosovo

Verification of the Tax certificate

Thus, Institutions which accept Tax certificate during case review when is required evidence on the person’s status in TAK, have opportunity to verify if that Tax certificate is identical with the status of that person in Tax Administration of Kosovo, on the date that the certificate is issued.

Verification of the Tax certificate can be done as following:

Once you are in the front page http://evertetimi.atk-ks.org , in the link Search for Tax Verification, type the serial number of the Tax Verification electronically downloaded. I.e. type the serial number: 100000000XX than click Search, what afterwards will appear other data for the respective verification in the fields Personal Number, Name of the Person, Municipality, Reason for issuance, Tax status and Availability.

So, upon being shown the verification data, the body that requested Tax verification can compare the tax certificate presented by the party and the status of the taxpayer in the TAK, on the date of issue of that Tax certificate.

Tax Administration of Kosovo