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Administrata Tatimore e Kosovës

Poreska Administracija Kosova

Tax Administration of Kosovo

Notice to taxpayers – Additional payment for employees of grocery stores, bakeries and pharmacies

The Tax Administration of Kosovo notifies you that it has developed the EDI Electronic System to enable the submission of applications to take benefit from the Emergency Fiscal Package for employees of grocery stores, bakeries and pharmacies, who were in direct contact with consumer while performing duties at work.

According to the Operational Plan for the Emergency Fiscal Package, persons who will benefit pursuant to Measure 7 shall submit their application through the EDI Electronic System, no later than 15 May 2020.

For the beneficiaries of Measure 7, employers must complete in the EDI Electronic System the form “Application for additional payment for the employees exposed to risk” and attach the list of employees, as designed by TAK. The form can be found in the EDI Electronic System, in the Services menu – Application for endangered employees, whereas the list, which must be completed with the data of employees, can be downloaded at the same link, through the button “Download sample”.

According to the Operational Plan for the Emergency Fiscal Package, namely Measure 7, point 2.1, not all employees in grocery stores, bakeries and pharmacies shall benefit from this stimulus, as it is limited with the criterion that the employee must be in direct contact with the consumer while performing duties at work.

Therefore, in order to benefit from this measure, the employer must declare that the business is active during the months March – April 2020 and that is performing business activities, such as: grocery store and/or bakery and/or pharmacy. The employer must also state that employees declared in the list of employees are in direct contact with the consumer while exercising their activity at the workplace.

The guidelines on the reimbursement of additional payment to employees exposed to risk can be found on the TAK’s website www.atk-ks.org, at the Multimedia – Manuals & Presentations link.

TAK, always ready to provide services to taxpayers!

Tax Administration of Kosovo