Dear Taxpayers,
TAK and MEETIESI Joint Commission, mandated by Decision no. 32/2020, dated 15.04.2020 by the Minister of Finance and Transfers, is reviewing the taxpayers’ requests who have applied to benefit from the Emergency Fiscal Package. In this case, this Commission a few days ago published the e-mail address:, you can now send requests for corrections. So far, more than 6,000 correction requests have been received to this address, in other words, a large number of requests for correction, for corrections of various types, and therefore the Commission finds it impossible to address all these requests in timely manner.
In order for TAK to be able to correct the errors in a timely manner, it has developed an application in the EDI electronic system.
Therefore, in order to benefit as fast as possible from the Emergency Fiscal Package in one of the following measures: 3a, 3b, 7, 8 and 14, all possible errors made during the application process must be corrected through the EDI electronic system, in the Services link, menu:
- ”Application for compensation of employees and self-employed salaries”;
- “Application for rent compensation”; and
- “Application for endangered employees”.
For your attention: Correction of errors made during the application to benefit from the Emergency Fiscal Package shall be made through the EDI electronic system. This is the only official address from which the Commission will review the requests, which are related to the corrections, while any addressing of requests to any other alternative address will not be considered by the Commission and will automatically be considered invalid.
You can send your requests for eventual corrections no later than 24 May 2020.
We encourage you to send all requests for corrections as soon as possible through the EDI electronic system, so that we do not send any case with eventual errors to the Treasury for the transfer of funds, in which case it will be impossible to correct them.
With respect,