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Administrata Tatimore e Kosovës

Poreska Administracija Kosova

Tax Administration of Kosovo

PRESS RELEASE – “Business turnover 2018-2022” is the newest dataset published on the Open Data platform

Open Data is a key step in increasing the transparency and accountability of institutions and organizations. The Tax Administration of Kosovo has always been focused, through strategic planning, to increase mechanisms which promote the integrity of the institution. The Open Data initiative contributes directly to the democratic development of an institution, as well as the development of an economic perspective at an innovative level.

TAK has been working since last year on the categorization of data, which should be published for citizens and which should be easily accessible. Today, the newest dataset for Business Turnover 2018-2022 has been published on the website of the institution https://www.atk-ks.org/open-data/. Within this dataset, business turnover data is divided by year, month, sector, municipality, business status, number of taxpayers and turnover in euros.

The dataset of business turnover marks the fourth publication in a row in Open Data, and statistics of the fiscalization project, fines from citizens’ reports, as well as TAK’s decisions on taxpayer complaints have been published.

The publication of open data by TAK will help citizens/various organizations to be more informed about taxes and to use that data for various analyses. Also, this will help inform the public opinion regarding the comparison of TAK’s development over the years, with the publication of comparative materials and other relevant information.